Samsung galaxy S3 has brought in the U.S market, after the popular S2. S3 inspired by nature, the design, interface and features of the smart phone holds a respectable place. The responsiveness and sharpness is beneficial.
The screen 4.8’’ is not too big and is the best one in market. After being snapped and leaked multiple times, some more accurate than others, it has to be said and the specs mooted have turned out to be pretty bang on.
This brushed plastic phone comes with a choice of ’Marble white’ and ‘pebble blue’. An Attractive large device produced with the dimensions of 136.6 x 70.6 x 8.6mm. This plastic feeling of galaxy S3 won’t appeal to everyone. Even though it feels very light weight. (133g weight) people might consider feeling a little cheap. But you’ll barely notice it in your pocket most of the time.
Features of Samsung Galaxy
Among these things, a sensor tracks your eyes. As long as you’re looking at the screen, it won’t dim or lock itself. You could set the screen timer for longer, But with S3‘s ‘stay smart’ means you don’t have to. This feature seems to work very well, who knew they would invent a phone to watch your eyes?!
On a similar note, S3 automatically dials the person, the minute you put the phone next to your face. It is one less button to press.
Samsung Galaxy S3 invents SIRI, but only better, called S-Voice, S-Voice lets the user of the phone to control using the normal, natural language filtering out the noise of the song its playing so it can hear you. Assuming S stands for Samsung.
A cool new feature which sounds and looks amazing, if you’re watching a movie, and in the middle you decide to browse the internet for new email, you have the advantage of making the screen smaller, shifting it around the screen and at the same time surfing the internet, Multi-tasking entertainment and work. The Samsung processor is fast enough to allow crystal clear video to play in a window on your home screen.
Are there any areas where the phone disappoints? The camera is just 8MP. Good, but not market leading.
A 2,100 mAh battery is big, (wireless changing optional extra) but this is also a demanding phone. That users will have on more than ever before, not only thanks to the screen that stays on because you’re looking at it. Samsung assures its performance is much better than S2. This device is enhanced with a special back and a charging pad, ideal for bedside table.
Overall the smartphone is much like its predecessor; it does not feel as heavy or solid in hand like an iPhone, even though it’s a lot bigger. It’s a different phone, superb on its own right!
Experiencing its new features in everyday life would be something every reader would look forward to.
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy:
16/32/64GB depending on model, plus expandable micro SD card
Cloud Storage
50 GB drop box for two years
Operating System
Android 4.0.4