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Sony NGP new version of PSP

Sony NGP new version of PSP
  Sony just released the new version of PSP now called Next Generation Portable or NGP for short. Many believe that is the powerful gaming device which will be later available in the market. One of the few and obvious additions from its PSP predecesor is that it comes with a touch pad, camera in front and rear, a six-axis motion sensing capabilities.
  The NGP is powered by an ARM Cortex A9 quad-core CPU, and that’s a lot of power for an handheld game gadget. It also equip with WiFi, capable of connecting to a 3G mobile network, and a built-in GPS.
  But don’t hit the gadget store yet, as Sony is planning to release this during this coming holiday season.
  Another additions is the LiveArea feature, it’s a game-oriented communication which allows users to play live with other NGP connected.


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